Goal #19- Buy a 4-door Car
So last Thursday, Brian and I got approved for a new car. We didn't want a huge car payment so we went with a pre-owned 2010 Toyota Corolla. Red! My favorite color! I was so excited! I finally had a car that I carry my little bundle in safely and comfortably!
...for all of 4 days. On Sunday, which is usually my off-day, I got called in to work because one of the other girls was sick. Which is fine, I don't mind covering for people when they need it. I was supposed to get off around 9 and I was going to see a movie with Emily and Brian before he left for Auburn for the week.
I ended up getting off about half an hour late so Brian came to pick me up so we could ride together. We were driving down highway 69 and stopped behind a car that was turning into a business. I happened to look in my side mirror and noticed an Audi was not slowing down...at all. All I could get out of my mouth was "Brian!" before they crashed into the back of our car at 45mph.
To be the less expensive of the two vehicles, I have to say mine looked a lot better than the other driver. However, the back doors to the car won't open which leads me to believe that there is frame damage. Frame damage = totalled vehicle. :(
That makes me a very sad mommy-to-be. But the good thing is, Brian and I are fine and more importantly, the baby wasn't affected by the accident. Thank the Lord.
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