Monday, September 10, 2012

"We're having a baby: My baby and me!"

Goal #15

This is one of the most exciting goals I made at the beginning of this year and my husband and I are so blessed. We had been praying for a baby for the better part of the year. We had, unfortunately suffered a miscarriage along the way. But last week, I just had this feeling that something was different with my body. I bought a pregnancy test on September 2 and low and behold, it said yes!

I had all these grand plans of how I was going to tell Brian when the time came. I was going to fill our room with pink and blue balloons, write "guess what?" across my belly, or even have a photographer present to catch his reaction. But all I could think about when I saw that digital reading of "Yes+" was run. I ran to him as fast as I could and just fell into his arms crying. My heart just melted with his response of "I'm going to be a dad?!".

My already extensive "Baby Garner" pinterest board is only going to get bigger and I'm more than positive that my sisters among others (Sara) will have pretty large boards that will be extremely helpful along the way.

We still have a pretty long way to go but we couldn't be any happier with this new phase in our relationship. Of course it is going to be difficult. We are still young, after all. But I believe this experience will only draw us closer to each other and closer to God. 

My due date is May 11, 2013. We get to go back to the doctor in two weeks to hear the heartbeat! I cannot wait to meet our little bundle of joy but for now we must be patient. :)

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