Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bills, bills, bills.

#8, #9, and #23.

These specific goals were some that Brian and I both were seriously looking forward to accomplishing. We made a budget and a brand new financial plan a few months back and we were able to pay off BOTH of my credit cards. We were also able to pay off Brian's 2010 Scion 3 years early! We also had a wedding loan as well as a signature loan we had taken out last year and we were able to completely pay those off as well! 

This is a major accomplishment for Brian and I because we haven't always handled our money the way we know we should. We have also started tithing because we know how important that is. With these monthly expenses out of the way, we hope to be able to be in the process of buying our first home by the end of the year! :)

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