Monday, September 10, 2012

"We're having a baby: My baby and me!"

Goal #15

This is one of the most exciting goals I made at the beginning of this year and my husband and I are so blessed. We had been praying for a baby for the better part of the year. We had, unfortunately suffered a miscarriage along the way. But last week, I just had this feeling that something was different with my body. I bought a pregnancy test on September 2 and low and behold, it said yes!

I had all these grand plans of how I was going to tell Brian when the time came. I was going to fill our room with pink and blue balloons, write "guess what?" across my belly, or even have a photographer present to catch his reaction. But all I could think about when I saw that digital reading of "Yes+" was run. I ran to him as fast as I could and just fell into his arms crying. My heart just melted with his response of "I'm going to be a dad?!".

My already extensive "Baby Garner" pinterest board is only going to get bigger and I'm more than positive that my sisters among others (Sara) will have pretty large boards that will be extremely helpful along the way.

We still have a pretty long way to go but we couldn't be any happier with this new phase in our relationship. Of course it is going to be difficult. We are still young, after all. But I believe this experience will only draw us closer to each other and closer to God. 

My due date is May 11, 2013. We get to go back to the doctor in two weeks to hear the heartbeat! I cannot wait to meet our little bundle of joy but for now we must be patient. :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"I am a Jedi, like my father before me!"


If my geek status hadn't been set in stone before, I think it most definitely has now. I had never gotten around to watching the Star Wars movies. I started out with number 4 and watched the ones with Harrison Ford first. (This, I was assured, was the correct order). I enjoyed these much more than I thought I would, reading each opening sequence in my most dramatic voice. :) I even went so far as to change my text message tone to a lightsaber sound. I think it's pretty awesome.

Ultimately, I am glad that I finally watched this series.

I have many more exciting posts to come soon. Stay tuned!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bills, bills, bills.

#8, #9, and #23.

These specific goals were some that Brian and I both were seriously looking forward to accomplishing. We made a budget and a brand new financial plan a few months back and we were able to pay off BOTH of my credit cards. We were also able to pay off Brian's 2010 Scion 3 years early! We also had a wedding loan as well as a signature loan we had taken out last year and we were able to completely pay those off as well! 

This is a major accomplishment for Brian and I because we haven't always handled our money the way we know we should. We have also started tithing because we know how important that is. With these monthly expenses out of the way, we hope to be able to be in the process of buying our first home by the end of the year! :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

"But I have promises to keep"

Goal #7

So I've been working SO much at my job these past few weeks, I haven't been able to work on my list but I finally accomplished one that I've really been wanting to do for a while now. I got a new tattoo! I got the quote "And miles to go before I sleep" from Robert Frost's Stopping by woods on a snowy evening. I really love this line because it really hits close to home with me. I feel like God has so much more in store for me on this earth and this is just a reminder to live my life to the fullest and appreciate everything I've been given. Of course it hurt but I feel like it was totally worth it! I cannot wait to get another one! :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Number 29. Sort through clothes and get rid of what I do not wear.

This is something that my mom used to require all of us to do at least once a year. I've found that since she passed away, I have neglected this "spring cleaning" ritual. It needed to be done quite desperately, however. My fluctuating weight has given me a multitude of sizes that I simply cannot wear anymore. From my former size 8 up to my heaviest size 14 and everything in between.

All in all, I collected 6 bags of dresses, sweaters, pants, tops, and shoes. They will be going straight to good will the next time I go into town. This means that I have even less to move when we make our way back to Tuscaloosa this summer! :) Oh, did I forget to mention that? My husband got offered a job in our hometown so we will gladly be moving back within the next few months! Now to buy a house... Prayers are appreciated.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Who needs 12 crystal candy dishes?!

Number 88.

All the credit of physically taking back our unused and unwanted wedding gifts goes to my wonderful husband. Anyone who has come into our apartment knows exactly where that stack of gifts was: lying in the dining room floor next to our front door. Thanks to Brian, we have so much more room in our tiny, little apartment. We are now going to be able to start buying our wedding china with the credit that we earned from said gifts as well as gifts cards that have been collecting. yayy.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I can see!

Happy April! I am very excited about my lasted goal that I accomplished this past Thursday, March 29th. I completed goal #63- get new glasses. Vision, not sun. :) I have been needing these desperately since the last pair I got was when I started middle school. Those were kind of unfortunate.
I think they look pretty spiffy. My favorite thing about them, though, is that they are Vera Bradley. I normally don't focus too much on labels but I do love my Vera Bradley glasses and I'll show you why...
I absolutely love that they have the Vera Bradley designs on the outside! :) It makes the "sophisticated" glasses kind of "quirky" at the same time!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

You have how many?!

I am very excited to announce that on March 13, 2012 I officially completed my first goal. I completed goal #100- Get a new piercing. In the past I've had some pretty obscure piercings, (none of them inappropriate) but this time I got a fairly simple piercing.

 Like most piercings, it hurt initially. However, after the jewelry was put in place, the pain was a non issue. I was able to sleep on the ear the very same night, which doesn't happen often, if ever. I was very excited to be able to share this piercing opportunity with my awesome friend, Amanda, who is coincidentally not a fan of piercings. She was pretty supportive, though, even allowing me to hold her hand without much complaining. So without further ado: My new piercing. :)

The new piercing is the bottom cartilage piercing. My mom took me to get the top one for Christmas about 4 years ago. I pretty much think it rocks! :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Okay, I'm pretty new to blogging so this may start off pretty rough. I'm using this blog as a place to display my progress on my 101 goals in 1001 days. I've been really excited about this since my friend, Brittany, started hers. This list took me around 15 hours to compile. That's a long time. However, I'm fairly confident in my 101 goals and my ability to complete them. Any and all encouragement is welcome and I appreciate you showing interest in what i'm doing!

Italicized goals are in progress.
Bold goals have been accomplished.

I'll be posting soon, hopefully!

101 Goals in 1001 Days

101 Goals in 1001 Days
March 9, 2012-December 5, 2014

1. Finish college
2. Travel to Italy
3. Buy a house
4. Read 25 books [9/25]
5. Take more pictures of Brian and I
6. Learn to sew
7. Get another tattoo
8. Pay off loans [2/2]
9. Pay off credit cards [2/2] 
10. Pay off my Tiburon
11. Travel to Japan
12. Travel to at least one other Disney: Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong, or California
13. See a Broadway show in New York
14. Lose 35lbs (and keep it off) [7/35]
15. Announce pregnancy (Due May 11, 2013)
16. Go on a cruise with Brian
17. Reupholster dining room chairs
18. Buy new bedroom furniture
19. Buy a 4-door car
20. Go on a roadtrip
21. Visit Niagra Falls
22. Go to Las Vegas with my girlfriends
23. Pay off Brian's Scion
24. Learn to ride a motorcycle
25. Stop drinking soda (for at least six months)
26. No chocolate for one month
27. No fast food for one month
28. Finish 60-day exercise program
29. Sort through my clothes and donate what I do not wear
30. Save all of our change for 1001 days and cash it in when the challenge is done
31. Watch at least 50 movies on Imdb's top 250 list [0/50]
32. Buy new living room furniture
33. Collect 15 classic Disney movies that we don't already own [2/15]
34. Find the perfect little black dress
35. Bake my Granny's famous caramel cake
36. Sing a solo at church
37. Read all of Gregory Maguire's books that I haven't already read
38. Watch 10 classic musical movies [2/10]
39. Go to California and see the footprints in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre
40. Celebrate three years of being married to my best friend
41. Send out Christmas cards
42. Call my Pawpaw at least once a month
43. Pick a TV series and watch it from beginning to end
44. Have my body kit put on my Tiburon
45. Paint my Tiburon
46. Drink only water for at least one month
47. Read through the entire Bible
48. Lose 50lbs (and keep it off) [7/50]
49. Watch Sarah graduate from high school
50. Take flowers to Mom's grave at least once a year
51. Decorate my home in a way that makes ME happy
52. "Declutter" my home, car, and life
53. Display more of our wedding photos in our home
54. Have a styled shoot with Jennifer
55. Finish purchasing wedding china and find a reason to use it [1/8]
56. See the Grand Canyon
57. Get a pedicure twice in one year
58. Don't stress about a single thing for an entire week
59. Go ice skating at least once a year (to justify Brian buying my new skates) [0/3]
60. Visit at least 3 states I've never been to [0/3]
61. At least attempt to start couponing
62. Read 100 poems out of my Emily Dickinson poetry book [3/100]
63. Get new glasses (vision not sun)
64. Have dinner at dining room table at least once a week
65. Be a bridesmaid in someone I love's wedding
66. Learn to change my own oil and accomplish it at least once without any help
67. Learn to change my own tire
68. Learn how to shoot a gun
69. Visit a zoo and actually read the signs to learn about the animals
70. Get my passport updated  (change to my married name)
71. Call or text Dad, Emily, Randy and Sarah at least once every two weeks
72. Eat at least five foods that I would never have considered eating [3/5]
73. Go white water rafting
74. Take a day and watch the Harry Potter series from beginning to end
75. Take a day and watch the Lord of the Rings series from beginning to end
76. Watch all of the Star Wars movies in order
77. Have all Christmas shopping done before December one year
78. Take my turn praying over meals at least once a week
79. Do dishes after dinner every night for an entire month
80. Keep my planner updated with the week/month's activities
81. Bring my GPA back up to 3.5
82. Have a semester where I get straight A's
83. Finally get my massage
84. See two movies in theatres in one day
85. Get my motorcycle license
86. Don't miss class for an entire semester
87. Pass my math class the next time I take it
88. Return wedding gifts we don't need/use
89. Completely forgive at least one person I've been holding a grudge against
90. Set up a booth at Kentuck or Tannehill to sell my crochet projects.
91. Wear makeup everyday for an entire month (even if I don't leave the house)
92. Wear my hair down everyday for an entire month (for the entire day)
93. Get all of my belongings out of storage
94. Make Brian breakfast in bed at least once a year
95. See a movie at a midnight premier (Breaking dawn with Emily)
96. Write a letter to five people who have made a positive impact on my life [0/5]
97. Don't use facebook or email for an entire week
98. Start collecting Cameo's (jewelry, pins, etc.)
99. Grow my hair out past my shoulder blades again
100. Get another piercing
101. Make a new list of 101 goals in 1001 days