...well, not simply. This was probably one of the longest days of my life. I had an entire day off work on November 7 (I know this post is a little late! ;)) I figured I could use the day productively. I woke up around 7am by accident. My goofus wakes up around 4am to go to work and I could never really get back to sleep when he left.
So 7am came and I got up, started some laundry and skipped over to the television, eager to get the marathon started! The first one was awesome, just as I remembered. A little long, granted, but still really good. I found myself reminiscing back to when the movies first came out and I would oggle over Orlando Bloom. :) He was still just as dreamy as I remembered him being when I was 11.
3 hours later, it was time to start "The Two Towers". I hopped up, a little less eager but still excited to watch the movie. Now don't get me wrong, I love these movies but I didn't think about how big of a task this was going to be. 3 hours of walking later and I was finished with two out of three.
By that time, I definitely needed a break. So I ate lunch, started another load of laundry and took a half hour nap.
Half an hour later, I reluctantly started the last movie. The return of the king is my favorite of the three. I begrudgingly had to finish it this time though. I cried at the end partially because it is a heartwarming ending and partially because I was so glad it was finally over!
I would not suggest to anyone to ever watch these movies all in one day. Not alone at least. I was more tired that day than if I had gone to work and worked all day long.